AmSpirit Business Connections, Inc.

Member Accolades

Marie Trudeau (City Center)

Date: January 28, 2013

Summary: Member Receives Service Pin

Description: Marie Trudeau, with W.E. Davis Insurance Agency and member of the City Center Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections received Service Pin for her time and dedication to nonprofit organization, Camp Fire.

Camp Fire is a national youth development organization with a primary goal of getting kids out into nature. Our council owns a the beautiful Camp Wyandot in Hocking County. We were formed in 1910 as Camp Fire Girls in response to the Boy Scouts for boys. We went co-ed in the 70's.

To learn more about Camp Fire and their efforts visit:

"Light The Fire Within"

Marie an be reached by email at [email protected] or via telephone at (614) 443-0533