AmSpirit Business Connections, Inc.

Member Accolades

Katy Paumier & Bruce Westall (Granville Chapter)

Date: November 20, 2012

Summary: AmSpirit Members Raise Bar on Sponsorship $7,000

Description: Members of the Granville Chapter of AmSpirit Business Connections, Katy Paumier (Paumier Medical Management Group, Inc.) and Bruce Westall (Porch House B&B), are featured in the November 19, 2012 edition of See the article at:
on how they helped to raise the bar on sponsorships for the already successful Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. Numerous other AmSpirit members have contributed their efforts to this success as well from sponsoring, to participating, to photgraphing, and donating. Be sure to check out this article and see how AmSpirit suporrts giving back to it's communities.

Katy can re reached at [email protected] and Bruce can be contacted at [email protected]