AmSpirit Business Connections, Inc.

Member Accolades

Frank Agin (Development Forum)

Date: November 14, 2008

Summary: Development Forum Member Releases Personal Development Book

Description: Frank Agin, president of AmSpirit Business Connections and member of the Development Forum Chapter has recently published Foundational Networking: Building Know, Like, & Trust To Create A Lifetime Of Extraordinary Success. Being known, liked &trusted by others is vital to successful networking - This book clearly sets forth how someone makes that happen. Foundational Networking is a culmination of Frank’s experiences as a professional networking consultant to small businesses, corporations and not-for-profit.

While the book is available on, please note that for a limited time members of AmSpirit Business Connections can purchase copies for only $10.00 each (or 40% off list price) plus shipping & handling through the office of AmSpirit Business Connections (via [email protected]).